Where Does The Term Gaslighting Originate From?
The term “gaslighting” originates from a British play-turned film from the 1930s called “Gas Light” where the plot details a husband who mentally and emotionally manipulates his wife into questioning her perception of reality. He does this by changing the intensity of the gas lamps in their home and manipulates her into a situation where she doubts her own sanity with dire consequences.
What Techniques Do Modern Day Gaslighters Use?
Gaslighting techniques can be subtle yet highly effective in manipulating the victim's perception of reality. Gaslighters often employ tactics such as denial, invalidation, gaslighting by proxy, blaming the victim, and making the victim question their own memory of events. These strategies are aimed at destabilizing the victim's sense of self, making them increasingly reliant on the gaslighter for validation and guidance. By systematically distorting the victim's perception of reality, gaslighters maintain power and control over the victim, leaving them feeling confused, isolated, and emotionally vulnerable.
Question Is Gaslighting Always Intentional?
Obviously not in my case however gaslighting behaviour can occur unconsciously, stemming from personality disorders or abusive tendencies. It may also be influenced by societal conditions and popular culture, impacting one's perception of reality. While gaslighting may not always be intentionally malicious, its effects on mental health and emotional well-being are still detrimental to those on the receiving end of it. Whether it be Gaslighting people in business their personal life or through the various social media platforms the effects and impacts on people’s personal wellbeing are long lasting and exceedingly difficult to deal with.