Why Do The Faceless Nationals Not Get the vibe
Apart from the
fact that they are just not interested there is unfortunately no connection between two
different suppliers working for one client with one national company providing sanitary bins and air fresheners to all of the client sites and another (that company being RCWS)
providing cleaning services to just one of the client sites.
In this instance the “National Company” didn’t get the vibe from our shared customer both in the literal and physical sense because they simply weren’t interested in communicating with them to solve a problem our client had difficulty with at the time malodour in a corridor originating from the toilets.
The smell was caused by a collective of problems including a blocked urinal poor air circulation a toilet with no inner door which was exacerbated by the fact that it appears that the sanitary bins aren’t being serviced as they should be, whilst the air fresheners definitely aren’t being serviced as they should be.
Solution Number One
Part of our service connection guarantee was to unblock the Urinal to provide and maintain free flowing conditions. That way we made sure that at least 20% of the root cause of the problem was dealt with, which still left 80% of the problem to sort out which wasn’t been helped by the poor servicing routines being provided by the “Faceless national contractor”.
Solution Number Two
Was to provide install and maintain an Airsteril Air Purification System to deal with airborne organisms which create offensive Odours spread infections and compromise the standard of Hygiene in the washrooms.
Solution Number Three
This is where the customer actually did get the Vibe
both literally and physically which solved the problem of a smell coming out of a toilet with no inner door and because the refills are a carbon neutral product which contain no aerosols or propellants and aren’t pressurised the refills are easy to recycle when empty and that’s certainly a more sustainable option than Aerosols.
A vibe for us is not just about the name of a great product which provides an amazing result for our client it’s about us creating a positive vibe for people
by delivering an overall comfortable workspace to compliment any incentives being provided for the clients staff such as healthy drinks and snacks.
We provide that positive vibe
with Richards Service Connection even when the Faceless National isn’t interested and let’s face it (no pun intended) they don't care unless its renewal or invoicing time. That being said nobody likes to work in an environment that isn’t clean and hygienic all of the time whether that's with one supplier or two.
Just say no to the faceless nationals for both cleaning and washrooms
they don’t communicate with their customers, and it really annoys and disappoints me to see these companies obtaining a client’s trust and their business on as large a scale as they do to just not look after them. In this instance the “National” in question clearly aren’t servicing their products and they can’t be bothered to look collectively at a problem in the way we do with our Service Connection programme. Its always nice to show the Nationals how its done a client we took on in November for daily cleaning is taking advantage of our service connection provision and we have installed four sanitary bins for them in a contract which a faceless national had for a very long time.